Rausyan Fikri: Journal of Islamic Studies is a journal published by Yayasan Al-Aziziyah Tlogoagung Kedungadem Bojonegoro, East Java, Indonesia. RIJIS published its first print edition in 2023 with the publication of 5 articles online with E-ISSN 2985-6884 based on SK no. 29856884/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/02/2023 on 23 February 2023.
Rausyan Fikri publishes articles covering both literary and fieldwork studies twice a year (January-June and July-December). The journal puts emphasis on aspects related to Islamic studies, with special reference to:
- Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism
- Islamic Politics and Society
- Tafsir and Hadith
- Islamic Education and History
- Islamic Law and Economics
- Islamic Communication And Da'wah
Vol 2, No 1 (2024): Rausyan Fikri: Journal of Islamic Studies
Table of Contents
The Role of Public Relations Management in Increasing the Number of New Santri at An-Nidhom Islamic Boarding School Cirebon City
Abstract views: 116,
PDF downloads: 31
Winda Oktaviani, Taqiyuddin Taqiyuddin, Wahyono Wahyono
The Character Education in Family Islamic Perspective
Abstract views: 156,
PDF downloads: 53
Lailatul Maghfiroh
The Development of Al-Qur'an-Based Science Magazine on Human Movement System Material for Class VIII SMP/MTs Students
Abstract views: 129,
PDF downloads: 18
Inta Niatul Hasanah, Laily Yunita Susanti
K-Pop Fanaticism and the Shift in Religious Education Values of the Zilenials Generation
Abstract views: 130,
PDF downloads: 19
Umniati Umniati, Nindira Mei Devita, Ahlan Ahlan
Permasalahan Korupsi dan Hukuman Ta’zir bagi Pelakunya di Indonesia
Abstract views: 95,
PDF downloads: 28
Asep Syahrul Mubarok, Intan Nurlitasari, Siti Diah Badriah, Annisa Awaliyah, Sihabudin Ahmad
Islamic Political Thought in Tafsir Al-Ibriz (Analysis of Leadership Verses)
Abstract views: 101,
PDF downloads: 19
Muh. Imam Sanusi Al Khanafi, Febi Tasriyah, Ilma Nurkholifah